Fill in the blank: white space is __________ .
Feel free to go on a roll.
Interviewer: White space is, and then fill in the blank. You can go back and forth, let’s give it a full minute.
(Interviewees laugh)
Interviewer: How many cycles can you make it through?
Babay L. Angles: Let’s do it. White space is.
Orlando Hunter: White space is these lights, honey, blinding me.
Babay: White space is isolating. Silent. Not telling you to your face.
Orlando: Uncomfortable. Minnesota nice.
Babay: White space is exhausting.
Orlando: White space is…
Babay: Not necessary to doing this healing work?
Orlando: Is not necessary.
Babay: Is not necessary.
In unison: No, it’s not necessary, no no.
Orlando: Absolutely not.
Babay: No, you’re right.
Credits roll, and interviewees introduce themselves to one another.